Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cheating, Student Authentication and Proctoring in Online Programs - Dennis Berkey and Jay Halfond, New England Journal of Higher Education

The most interesting results speak to the distinction between video-monitoring and newer fully automated solutions. More than half of the respondents rated as “very desirable” or “desirable” the features of freedom from having to schedule live proctors, student authentication via intelligent software that persists throughout the session and fully automated proctoring with results summarized for the instructor immediately following the test. Relatively less desirable features included remote monitoring by live proctors who could intervene during a test, automation running locally on the student’s computer, and video-recording for post-test review by live proctors. Anecdotal information gained from direct conversations with online students shows a much greater comfort level with automated (i.e., biometric, AI) proctoring than with having another live person monitoring their test-taking remotely. http://www.nebhe.org/thejournal/cheating-student-authentication-and-proctoring-in-online-programs/