Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Online classes can serve students well: Guest opinion - Kathryn Hubbell, the Oregonian

In response to Ramin Farahmandpur's Oct. 12 "In My Opinion" column, "Online courses shortchange their students," I would like to defend online learning. I have taught both online and on-campus classes at Marylhurst University for the past six years, and prior to that earned my master's in communications management from Syracuse University. The Syracuse program involved spending the first week of each term on campus, then finishing up via online learning from home. I was running my public relations firm in Montana at the time; the program meant I did not have to move in order to get the degree I wanted. The experience at Syracuse was so good that when I came to Oregon and began teaching online classes at Marylhurst, I took those lessons into my virtual classrooms. http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2014/10/online_classes_can_serve_stude.html