Friday, September 12, 2014

MIT's Unique Experiment in Blended Learning Leads to the Birth of 50 Startups in 5 Days - Lauren Landry, BostInno

Fifty startups were launched at MIT in five days, courtesy of a unique experiment "that could reshape existing educational paradigms." Nearly 55,000 individuals are enrolled in the MITx on edX massive open online course, "Entrepreneurship 101: Who is Your Customer?" Of the thousands, the school welcomed 47 to campus on August 18 to participate in a five-day bootcamp-turned-blended-learning-experiment. The MITx Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp was an experiment by MIT to help students studying online via edX further their education. The event allowed the highly selective group to learn from faculty, as well as from like-minded people worldwide, who were all enrolled in the same course, yet likely would have never met face-to-face otherwise.