Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why TED Talks Have Become So Popular - Jeff Dunn, Edudemic

I’m a big TED talks fan. I like to stay abreast of some of the lesser-known names and discussions happening that don’t make it into my regular social media and news feeds. I love to see what the brilliant minds down the street from me (at MIT and Harvard) are working on. TED talks provide a fascinating opportunity to learn from the best. Key Takeaways

  • The 5 most popular themes of TED talks are happiness, knowledge, ethics, food, and psychology
  • The 5 least popular themes of TED talks are architecture, weather, media, war, and time. 
  • Sir Ken Robinson’s “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” is the most viewed TED talk ever with just under 15 million views. 
  • Longer is better. The most successful videos are at least 18 minutes long. Less popular videos are about 12 minutes long. 
  • More than 140 different TED talks have each seen 1 million views